With the track undergoing its annual maintenance (more details here), we’re taking this opportunity to lift the curtain on our hardworking team. Some faces will be front and center, while others work behind the scenes, but every single one of them plays an invaluable role at Rotorua Racing Club.
We’re kicking things off with General Manager, Damien Radesic. Damien’s career began in a surprising place—he was a baker (we know!), before transitioning to a chef in Rotorua, Australia, and Thailand. He then worked for Mainfreight and served as vice-president of the Rotorua Chamber of Commerce before taking the reins at the RRC.
What first got you into racing, and how did you end up working here?
"I first got interested in racing watching Trackside at a friend's farm. As a teenager, I got introduced to the TAB and tried to make a sneaky dollar with each-way bets.
A few years ago, the Club went through a planning process and decided to hire a GM for all of the racecourse's operations. I applied and ended up getting the job! That was 9 years ago, and the rest is history."
Can you share a little about your role at the club and what a typical day looks like for you?
"I'm the CEO, so I’m involved in pretty much every part of the operation. Right now, my focus is on the club's strategic planning day, which is coming up in February.
I usually start my day by checking in with the team in the workshop, discussing what’s going on, upcoming plans, any issues, and solutions. We’re a small team, so the Course Manager and I often bounce ideas off each other to ensure we’re getting the right outcomes for the club."
What’s your favourite part of being involved in the racing world?
"Seeing the younger generation coming along to the races and enjoying the sport. It’s fantastic to think that an experience at Rotorua Racing Club is helping to create a new generation of fans."
Who is your racing hero, and why?
"Brendan and Jo Lindsay. Their drive and determination are inspiring. They’re always striving to improve, and that mindset is reflected in their success."
Do you have a favourite race or event that you look forward to every year?
"Yes, the 28th of December meeting (Holiday Raceday). It’s a more family-oriented event, and it’s great to see people catching up with friends and family they might not have seen in a year. It’s such a fantastic day for everyone, and being in the heart of the summer break doesn’t hurt either!"
What’s something most people don’t know about what goes into preparing for a raceday?
"There’s a long lead-up to putting a race day together. We usually start planning months in advance, looking at the program for the day and fine-tuning everything from there."
What do you think makes Rotorua Racing Club stand out from others?
"Rotorua Racing Club is known for its hospitality, especially for the owners of horses—an incredibly important group of stakeholders. We’re also working on plans to make that experience the best in New Zealand."
If you could give one piece of advice to someone attending their first raceday, what would it be?
"Have fun and enjoy yourself! Don’t get too caught up in winning or losing—just soak up the atmosphere and enjoy the day."
What’s one thing you’d like the general public to know about your job or the racing industry?
"The racing industry is an excellent career choice, and more people should consider getting involved."
Coffee or tea before a raceday (or bubbles/beer after the last)?
"Coffee before, and a beer once the day’s done."
If you were a jockey, what song would you choose to walk out to?
"Well, I’d love to fit into this category, but I’m 6’3” and 100kg… not exactly jockey material!"
If you weren’t in racing, what would you be doing?
"Probably something more property-related."
What’s the best part of watching horse racing live?
"The atmosphere on a big day... the roar of the crowd is something else."
Who’s the funniest person you work with at the track?
"George Simon—he always has a story that brings a smile to my face."
What’s one thing you can’t leave home without on raceday?
"My pentrometer for checking the firmness of the track, and the moisture meter—I like to do these early on raceday."